PASMO – Stadt Land Abkippen A3

ART. N.: 46500
UVP: 12,99 €
Mengenschritt: 24

PASMO – Stadt Land Abkippen: The ultimate game for your bachelor party! This DIN-A3 paper block with 52 creative and fun categories that will make your brain sweat and brings the fun category-game to another level! PASMO – Stadt Land Abkippen promotes creativity, vocabulary building and strains the laugh muscles. Fun guaranteed!


All players will need to find a word for each category that starts with the chosen letter. The first one to complete a category shouts „PASMO“ and all players have to stop writing immediately. The points go from 0 to 20 for each word, depending on the originality: the more rare the word, the higher the points!


This DIN A3 paper pad comes with 50 ready to play game-pages. 52 categories with 20 rounds per sheet and 13 categories per round

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